“Weimarer Winterszenen” (Weimar Winter Scenes) (2020) for English horn and piano was inspired by my first trip to Weimar, Germany, in February 2019. I had plenty of time for solitary wandering, and the beautiful winter scenes from around the small town impressed themselves deeply upon my imagination. Since I had wanted an excuse for many, many years to write an extended work for English horn and piano, the two ideas suddenly clicked. Below are the movement titles and subtitles, which hopefully speak for themselves.
1. Winter Mitternacht (entlang der Steubenstraße im sanften Schnee)
Winter Midnight: walking along Steuben Street in the soft snow
2. Wintermorgen (Spritzende Wasservögel auf der eisigen Ilm)Winter morning: splashing waterfowl on the icy Ilm River
3. Winternachmittag (Kuchen mit Schlagsahne im gemütlichen Frauentor Cafe)Winter afternoon: cake with whipped cream in the cozy Frauentor Cafe
4. Winter Abend (Herderplatz Kirchenglocken von Schneefall gedämpft)*Winter evening: Herder Square church bells muffled by snowfall
* NB: the church of St. Peter & Paul in the Herderplatz was where J. S. Bach composed a great deal of his organ music. My attic apartment window looked directly across the square to the bell tower. Each evening the bells tolled for about half and hour. I have attempted to accurately duplicate their sound in the piano part.
Score and part included in download.
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